.. _install: Download and Install ==================== * If applicable, the easiest way to get `SpiX` working is by using your distribution package manager. With Debian (and Ubuntu, and surely other distributions that inherit from Debian), it is in package `texlive-extra-utils `__ (since version 2020.20210202-3):: sudo apt install texlive-extra-utils * If `spix` is not packaged (yet) for your operating system, the next preferred installation method uses `pip `_ (preferably in a `virtualenv `_):: python3 -m pip install spix * Or you can install it from sources: * download the `stable `_ or `development `_ version; * unpack it; * install it (in a `virtualenv `_, if you do not want to mess with your distribution installation system):: python3 -m pip install . * To install it from `CTAN `__: * `download `__ the package from CTAN; * extract the ``spix.py`` file, and copy it somewhere in your ``PATH``. On GNU/Linux (and MacOS?), you can rename it to ``spix``. * Quick and dirty Debian (and Ubuntu?) package This requires `stdeb `_ to be installed:: python3 setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/spix-_all.deb